NIT Alumni: Where are they now? ...with Padhmanand Sudhakar, Class 09

Padhmanand Sudhakar, Class 09
Current place of residence: Coimbatore, India
Currently working as: Full time Professor (Lead Curriculum Design and Industrial Collaboration) at Kumaraguru College of Technology
Where are you currently working and what is the biggest issue that you are facing at work or what is currently keeping you busy there?
Currently, I am back into academia, albeit on a completely different role with multiple hats (research, teaching, curriculum development, building international collaborative projects, industrial collaborations on both basic and translational research). There is enough to keep me busy although as a general goal, I am trying to push the outputs from the above roles in the direction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have broader umbrella outcomes for the larger good of everyone. This also calls for coming up with imagination not just in the domain of technological innovation but also justice innovation, social innovation all of which will/should lead to responsible rather than “desperate innovation”.
Has there been a professional challenge since you were a student for which your studies or experiences at the NIT have prepared you for perfectly?
Absolutely, in a country like India, there are no silver bullets for the problems on the ground. All solutions have pro’s and con’s and many of the tools/frameworks which were taught during the MBA programme have come in handy not just now but also during my stint in Industry in Belgium.
What has happened in your private life in the meantime?
Life has bloomed. I am married to a wonderful woman (a biotechnologist-turned yoga teacher) and we have a 9 year old daughter named Bhoomi (= "Earth", when translated). After our marriage, we spent 11 years in Europe (Germany, UK, Belgium), and then moved to India. We very much have a global view of culture, problems and solutions. So, our global exposure is a blessing when it comes to understanding the interface between science and society.
What is your most precious / special / remarkable memory from your time studying at the NIT?
Going back to my NIT years, I think there was a continuity in terms of the passion in the class and the camaraderie outside the class. What I loved the most was the intercultural experience like cooking together, and of course visits to the Hamburg-Hafencity with my friends. Even today, I recommend my students to study in Hamburg and apply to TUHH/NIT. As for the seminars, I have fond memories of the Innovation course as well as Economics. And who can forget Mr. Menge – gentle and assuring.
How to keep in touch with me:
Via LinkedIn or email.
Photo above: Padhmanand today
Photo below: Graduation of Class 09 (Almost 15 years ago!)