Andreas Gabriel, Class 13
Current place of residence: Weinheim, Germany
Currently working as: Head of Product Management at MVV Energie AG
Where are you currently working and what is the biggest issue that you are facing at work or what is currently keeping you busy there?
I currently work at MVV Energie AG in Mannheim and am responsible for the heating transition in the Regional Sales division. It will affect around 350,000 people in Mannheim and involves switching from natural gas to district heating and heat pumps. I am also responsible for the photovoltaic and E.Mobility products for end customers. We have a lot of public events, which are quite challenging for me and where we have to answer a lot of questions about the energy transition. River heat pumps and geothermal energy will supply the city with green heat in the near future as soon as one of the largest European coal-fired power plants is shut down.
Has there been a professional challenge since you were a student for which your studies or experiences at the NIT have prepared you for perfectly?
Since finishing my MBA studies in 2013, I have worked for various companies. ThyssenKrupp, Jenoptik and MVV. My MBA helped me a lot, especially during my time as an executive assistant at ThyssenKrupp, as it prepared me very well for dealing with different cultures and, in addition to the technical topics, I understood the corporate side very well. And why decisions are sometimes taken different than expected.
What has happened in your private life in the meantime?
After my studies I lived in Hamburg until 2018. Then I moved with my wife to Weinheim (Heidelberg) where I am originally from and had very good years with my parents. Currently we are planning to renovate our house. We often travel to Valencia (Spain), where the family of my wife lives.
What is your most precious / special / remarkable memory from your time studying at the NIT?
I remember that we had a lot of very good exchanges during classes, after classes and at parties (NIT/Hamburg-Area). I met different cultures from all over the world, highly intelligent people so to say. I really enjoyed my two years at the NIT, the weekend classes and the spring schools. It was always a welcome variety to my job as navy officer.
How to keep in touch with me:
Via LinkedIn.
Photo above: Andreas today
Photo below: Group picture from the NIT visit to Kiel Naval Base 2012 (Andreas is the one in naval uniform)